Poster by Clemens Hausch
Antifaschismuspl. 2
1020 Vienna, Austria
13. & 14.09.2019 20:00
Poster by Clemens Hausch
The two-day festival äquidistanz hurls different approaches in sound art and neighbouring undertakings from their own orbits. To finally merge them into the sphere of the Republic of Kugelmugel. Besides sounds and voices there are also "Ka-Boom", "Meow", "Bang", "digi digi", "post digi", "Whaaahhm", "boing", "Zap" and other great noise.
Antifaschismuspl. 2
1020 Vienna, Austria
21.09.2018 20:00 and 22.09.2018 20:00
A Series of live happenings and sound performances which took place in OPEN SIMULATOR in 2009.
SUN, 2009 Opensimulator Videostill
An evening about "deal stil viel labil spiel"!
Antifaschismuspl. 2
1020 Vienna, Austria
07.06.2018 19:30Uhr
Notation =::=≡:⇔≜≝≐ Diskussion Edition! Friday 11.05.2018 20:00Uhr
The club "nothing more" and the ministry of extended cases of the Republic Kugelmugel invite to another edition of Advanced Obstacles: "Notation =::=≡:⇔≜≝≐ Diskussion Edition" With contributions from:
Nan Wang
annula (Anna Lerchbaumer & Klemens Kohlweis)
Amir Hassan
Mihail Bakalov
Martino Morandi
Antifaschismuspl. 2
1020 Vienna, Austria
11.05.2018 20:00Uhr
mingere fingere, making @beheim, 2018
saying, Picture, muiki 2010/2018
Public Lecture
Donnerstag, 19. Oktober 2017
14:00 - 15:30 Uhr
Ort: Sterngasse 13, A-1010 Wien
Die beiden Vortragenden JOSEPH O.A. KNIERZINGER und MICHAEL J. MUIK sprechen über ihr aktuelles künstlerisches Projekt "Our First Audible/Profitable Exhibition/Economy", das sie gemeinsam mit dem Komponisten Niek Hilkmann durchführen. Im Rahmen des Projekts werden u.a. münzbetriebene Automaten mit spezifischen Klangstrukturen versehen und der Öffentlichkeit zur Verwendung überlassen. Die erzielten Erlöse werden zur Herstellung weiterer Münzautomaten verwendet. Die Künstler setzen sich mit extratonalen Klangphänomenen und kompositorischen Methoden auseinander und verbinden die Recherche mit ihrem Interesse an historischen Musikautomaten. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt des Artist Talk beschäftigt sich mit der Relevanz von dezentralem und gemeinschaftlichem Arbeiten mit FLOSS-Werkzeugen für die künstlerische Arbeit und zeigt Möglichkeiten der erfolgreichen Umsetzung mittels verteiltem Versionsverwaltungssystem (git) und einer selbstverwalteten Infrastruktur auf.
An evening about "fantastique télématique critique"!
Antifaschismuspl. 2
1020 Vienna, Austria
05.11.2017 20:00Uhr
In a time were problems are designed to be solutions, and industrialised rubbish predominates our everyday life, speculative composer Niek Hilkmann, general theoretical practitioner JoaK and sound poet Michael J. Muik will intervene with extratonal performances, compositions and poems. With the support of custom-made instruments, obsolete writing techniques, special notation systems and alternative applications of existing technologies, they will explore advanced obstacles and trigger new input for the debate around extra tonality during an exclusive Plan D conference.
our first audible/profitable economy/exhibition @ PlanD, Zagreb, Croatia
Zagreb 2017, PlanD, lecture.
In our audible/profitable economy/exhibition financial microtransactions are transformed into extra tonal sound structures. The exhibition consists of several coin-operated machines, each dedicated to a specific sonic event.
our first audible/profitable economy/exhibition @ ars electronica
An evening about "Atmosphäre"!
Antifaschismuspl. 2
1020 Vienna, Austria
20.7.2017 20:00Uhr
An evening about "navigation"!
Datendadaperformance. foto: redplanet
Antifaschismuspl. 2
1020 Vienna, Austria
4.5.2017 20:00Uhr
In "our audible/profitable economy/exhibition" financial microtransactions are transformed into extratonal soundstructures. The project consists of several machines - many of them alternative applications of existing technology - that visitors can activate by inserting a coin. This triggers the machines to become performers, carrying out a specific task, either mechanically, electrically, pneumatically, kinetically or imaginary, in order to create an unique sonic event. When an investment is made in all machines at the same time, they will perform one superior composition. By doing this they form a micro economy that supports both their manufacturers (empty) pockets and, thereby, themselves. By emphasizing this aspect of the machine as a performer, earning its own income, we hope to examine both the conditions of mechanized labour within the cultural industry, and the ethics involved for the artists that built the machines that execute it.
Niek Hilkmann Joseph Knierzinger Michael Johannes Muik
In Kooperation mit der nothing more community!
coin acceptor
Neulerchenfelderstrasse 52, 1160 Wien, Austria Finissage: 28.4.2017 19:00 Ausstellungsdauer: 29.4. - 2.5.2017
This is not a love song... After doing a lot of PCB's the last couple of weeks with the toner transfer method, I thought about a faster and more reliable method to transfer my layout. Basically the toner transfer method works fine, but it is too time consuming and not reliable enough. (new paper, new printer and everything is turned upside down...) Straight ahead, I started with designing an UV-LED MATRIX with 84 LED...
Repetive work to route the PCB
Simple motor speed control
Unwittingly invented bike light
documentation and building log
scocadigo disc golf app for Sailfish OS
"the net news", 2011
"wenn jemand etwas nimmt..."2011